Documents required

Staff Mobility
* Copy of international passport.
* Transcript of records of University Studies (including average mark).
* Copy of international passport.
* Copy of Bachelor Diploma (University degree leading to Master studies).
* Transcript of records of University Studies.
* Additional documents may be requested by individual Host Universities after the selection.
* Copy of international passport.
* Copy of Diplomas (Bachelor and Master) (University degree leading to PhD studies).
* Transcript of records of University Studies.
* Research plan/projects' outline should be presented by the applicant and previous contacts with the responsible.
* Additional documents may be requested by individual Host Universities after the selection.
* Institutional Support Letter from Host Institution (requiered by all universities except who apply to University of Deusto)
* Copy of international passport.
* Copy of Doctorate Diploma.
* Research plan.
* Institutional Support Letter from Host Institution (requiered by all universities except who apply to University of Deusto)
* Copy of international passport.
* CV in English.
* Letter from the University in which you work confirming that you are a member of the teaching staff of the Institution and his/her area of teaching.
* After being selected, academic staff should contact the potential host Institution for confirmation and logistic arrangements.
* Institutional Support Letter from Host Institution (requiered by all universities except who apply to University of Deusto)
* TARGET GROUP 1: Proof of registration (letter of home university certifying that you are currently enrolled).
* TARGET GROUP 2: Two letters of recommendation.
* TARGET GROUP 3: Proof of special conditions (letter certifying your special conditions).
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